
“A short story is the ultimate close-up magic trick – a couple of thousand words to take you around the universe or break your heart.” – Neil Gaiman



“I am a thirty-something guy who’s usually mistaken for a fresh grad. Aside from reading and blogging, I like compiling lists, complaining about random stuff, and composing chapters in my head for my novel that never finishes but never stops being written.”

Favorite short stories/short story writers: Raymond Carver, John Cheever , Jhumpa Lahiri

Blog: Book Rhapsody

You can read Angus’s posts here.


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“I am a guy on his early twenties who has a permanent scowl on his face. I like watching films and listening to indie music. Friends call me pretentious, a hipster, and a snob but I deny it to the death even though I believe it in my head. I’m a man of few words but I scream a lot in my thoughts.”

Favorite short stories/short story writers: Alice Munro, George Saunders, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Blog: The Book Hooligan

You can read Bennard’s posts here.



“I’m a mother, a wife, an educator, and a book lover everywhere in between. I read books as one would breathe air.”

Favorite short stories/short story writers: Neil Gaiman, Jhumpa Lahiri, Robert Fulghum

Blog: The Page Walker

You can read Louize’s posts here.



“I thrive on fiction. Ever since I gave birth, I have developed excellent time management skills where I can still squeeze in reading in between my day job, evening teaching load, and motherhood duties. Books are my Turkish delight.”

Favorite short stories/short story writers: Jhumpa Lahiri, Raymond Carver, Alice Munro

Blog: It’s A Wonderful Bookworld

You can read Lynai’s posts here.



“I am an eclectic reader. My husband is a high fantasy purist and my daughter is a preschooler who loves to sing, dance, and preen in front of the mirror. We want to build our own little library someday, and I know we’ll eventually get there, book by lovely book.”

Favorite short stories/short story writers: Jhumpa Lahiri, Neil Gaiman, Junot Diaz

Blog: marginalia

You can read Monique’s posts here.

“I love short stories because I believe they are the way we live. They are what our friends tell us, in their pain and joy, their passion and rage, their yearning and their cry against injustice.” – Andre Dubus

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